Conference Program

The Eighth Rethinking Educational Ethnography Conference 
Ethnography in Higher Education

Graz, 06-07 June 2019

Please note: Keynote sessions provide 20 min for presentation, and 40 min for discussion. Paper session provide 15min for presentation and 25min for discussion. 

June 6, Thursday
09.00               Meet and greet, Coffee

09.30               Conference Opening
Rudi Egger, Dean, Head of Department, Professor in Higher Education

Weather Forecast for the Conference
The Conference Organising Team: Clemens, Angela, and Anneliese

09.50-10.50     Session 01 - Keynote 
On the Dearth of Ethnography in Higher Education
                        Presenter: Martin Forsey
                        Chair: Miriam Madsen

10.50-11.30     Session 02
Using Past Exam Papers on Facebook to Prepare for Multiple Choice Tests
Presenter: Tanya Tyagunova
Chair: Christoph Maeder

11.30-12.10    Session 03 
Virtual networks and asynchronous communities: methodological reflections on the digital
Presenter: Darlinda Moreira
Chair: Ned Barker

12.10-13.30     Lunch break 

13.30-14.10    Session 04
Southern agency and boomerang mobility in higher education: Learning to return.
Presenter: Monty King
Chair: Yaılz Akbaba

14.10-14.50    Session 05
Observing in nursing homes. Some psychoanalytic remarks on engaging students in an ethnographic research project
Presenter: Kathrin Trunkenpolz & Regina Studener
Chair: Darlinda Moreira

14.50-15.10    Coffee break

15.10-15.50    Session 06
An Ethnographer, Lured into Darkness
Presenter: Ned Barker
Chair: Kathrin Trunkenpolz & Regina Studener

15.50-16.30    Session 07
The role of theories and collaborative theory building based on educational philosophy in ethnographic and participatory research
Presenter: György Mészáros
Chair: Nicole Pruckermayr

16.30-16.50    Coffee break

16.50-17.50    Session 08 - Keynote
                        The Problem of the Definition of the Situation in Educational Ethnography
Presenter: Christoph Maeder
                        Chair: György Mészáros

18.00               Conference Reception

June 7, Friday
09.00-10.00     Session 09 - Keynote
Ethnography: a methodology for engaging students in entrepreneurial practice
                        Presenter: Sarah Robinson
                        Chair: Monty King

10.00-10.40    Session 10
Teaching with/out the F-Word: A trialogical autoethnographic exploration of feminist conceptions and interventions in academic, community and correctional education practice
Presenters: Dani Jauk, Sabine Klinger and Nicole Pruckermayr
Chairs: Corinne McKamey, Cleti Cervoni, and Rhoda Bernard

10.40-11.00    Session 11
’Metricography’: A re-attribution of agency in higher education ethnography and its methodological implications
Presenter: Miriam Madsen
Chair: Clemens Wieser

11.20-11.40    Coffee Break

11.40-12.20     Session 12
Teaching expertise in higher education: a case study on the development of teaching expertise in higher education
Presenter: Clemens Wieser
Chair: Martin Forsey

12.20-13.00    Session 13
We are, I am, you are: A workshop on “joining in” as a pedagogy and research tool 
Presenters: Corinne McKamey, Cleti Cervoni, and Rhoda Bernard
Chair: Angela Pilch Ortega

13.00-14.20     Lunch break 

14.20-15.00    Session 14
Research workshops for students as a space for critical reflections on knowledge production processes
Presenter: Angela Pilch Ortega
Chair: Sarah Robinson

15.00-15.40    Session 15
“Next you want to say that men can breastfeed or what?“ Discourse Autoethnography on Anti-Genderist Challenges of Higher Education
Presenter: Yaılz Akbaba
Chairs: Dani Jauk

15.40-16.00    Coffee break 

16.00-17.00    Session 16 
Joint discussion: Rethinking Ethnography – Challenges and prospects 
Closing remarks

17.00               Social Evening
City walk to Schlossberg, followed by 
Farewell Drinks at Die Scherbe, Stockergasse 2, ca. 17.30