Monday, 20 May 2019

Dear REE community,

We are happy to publish the conference program for 2019! Thank you for sending your full papers to us over the course of the last weeks. Based on your papers, we have planned the session structure for the conference, and as organiser team, we tried our best to accommodate your requests. Please remember that the Rethinking conference series is grounded in its openness to new developments in ethnographic research, and thrives on an atmosphere where we mutually inspire and develop our understanding of ethnography. To develop our understanding of ethnography, the conference relies on the joint discussion of conference papers. This means that we encourage you to take some time to read the conference papers. In case you are very busy, please look at the papers and decide which papers you will read with priority. 

Please remember our conference website contains practical information on arrival, transport, a contact telephone number, and a map with conference locations. You are welcome to contact us at in case you have questions regarding the conference. 

We look forward to see you in Graz!
Clemens, for the conference organizer team